Dezeray Lyn just returned from Palestine where she was working as an international observer, activist, and author. She defended Palestinian families’ homes scheduled to be demolished, assisted with the olive harvest, documented human rights abuses, and witnessed the atrocities and the ongoing Israeli occupation.
Khader Adnan, a baker with a degree in Mathematical economics currently working towards his master degree in Israeli studies in Al Quds University, father and a former captive of Israeli occupation prisons has brought himself to the brink of death by starvation twice in protestation of the illegal system of jailing of occupied Palestinians termed Administrative Detention.
During this trip, Dezeray sat down and spoke with Adnan, one of Palestine’s heroes. Her piece clearly defines what ongoing resistance IS. Read the entire article: “Portrait with Fire: Khader Adnan”.
From the Deep Green Resistance book: “A culture of resistance exists to encourage and promote organized political resistance, nurturing the will to fight. It helps people break their psychological identification with the oppressive system and create a new identity based on self-respect and solidarity. It offers the emotional support of a functioning community that believes in resistance as well as an intellectually vibrant atmosphere that encourages analysis, discussion, and the development of political consciousness. It produces cultural products like poems, songs, and art organized around the theme of resistance. It builds the new institutions that will take over as the corrupt ones come down. And it provides loyalty and material support to the aboveground frontline resisters and political prisoners.”