Deep Green Resistance member "Seymour Lyphe" ran a podcast from early 2010 til mid 2012, working to build a culture of resistance via inspiring news, calls to action, and interviews with DGR members and other activists. The original website has gone down, but we've archived nearly all the audio files on this page. You can also browse through most of the original blog posts at archive.org.
Date | Show Title | ![]() |
Description | ||
2012-06-08 | March for Justice 2012 | RAGE-20120608-march-for-justice-white-clay.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20120919220243/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=2290 | White Clay, Nebraska is an unincorporated village with a population of 14 people in northwest Nebraska. The town sits on the border of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, home to the Oglala Lakota (also known as the Oglala Sioux Tribe), only 200 feet from the official reservation border and less than 3 miles from the center of Pine Ridge, South Dakota, the largest town on the reservation. On June 9th, the fight against White Clay continues. | |
2012-06-05 | Some Choose to Fight Back, with guest Max Wilbert | RAGE-20120605-some-choose-to-fight-back-max-wilbert.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20120922064835/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=2261 | Max Wilbert expresses his joy for life and his desire to protect those he loves, both human and non-human. | |
2012-05-06 | The Deep Green Resistance Show, part 2 | RAGE-20120506-deep-green-resistance-show-part-2.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20120922035827/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=2223 | At the top of the show is a little piece of Dr. Helen Caldicott talking to people in California about nuclear plants on fault lines, asking them to have courage. The show continues with reading from the book Deep Green Resistance read by DGR members. Today’s show is about choices and those choices that will ultimately show our true morality. | |
2012-04-30 | The Deep Green Resistance Show, part 1 | RAGE-20120430-deep-green-resistance-show-part-1.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20120922035748/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=2204 | DGR members read their favourite excerpts from the DGR book and talk about why they joined, mixed with resistance inspiring music. | |
2011-09-13 | Relationship with Salmon and other Stories | RAGE-20110913-relationship-with-salmon-and-other-stories.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20120506073338/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=2051 | I spoke with Chaw-win-is who is from both the Tla-o-qui-aht and Cheklesaht nations, and with Anthony about relationship with Earth and the beings we share her with. They shared their personal insights, their people's insights, and stories. The dominant culture has abandoned the traditional human responsibilities to Earth, Salmon, tree, bear, wolf, rivers and others. We need a resistance that will again take up those responsibilities, and fulfil those commitments that make us part of the living world. (Some technical difficulties with the audio.) | |
2011-03-06 | Polly Higgins: Ecocide is a Crime Against Peace | RAGE-20110306-polly-higgin-ecocide-is-a-crime-against-peace.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20110315233323/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=1875 | Polly Higgins grew up near Loch Lomond on the west coast of Scotland and spent her childhood holidays in the Highlands. Her time with the Austrian artist and ecologist Hundertwasser in the late 1980’s taught her that nature is not an inert thing but a community of living beings; her years spent inside London courts representing individuals and corporations on discrimination cases brought her to the conclusion that the planet was also being treated unfairly, in particular by damaging corporate activity – but that nothing was being done to stop the abuse. | |
2011-02-04 | Gail Dines: Stop Porn Culture! | RAGE-20110204-gail-dines-stop-porn-culture.mp3 | Dr. Gail Dines is a professor of sociology and women’s studies at Wheelock College in Boston, an internationally acclaimed speaker and author, and a feminist activist. Her writing and lectures focus on the hypersexualization of the culture and the ways that porn images filter down into mainstream pop culture. Gail’s work on media and pornography has appeared in academic journals, magazines such as Time and Newsweek, and newspapers across the country. She is a frequent guest on radio and television and is a recipient of the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights. | ||
2011-01-28 | Stephanie McMillan: The system can not be permitted to kill the planet | RAGE-20110128-stephanie-mcmillan-system-not-permitted-to-kill-the-planet.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20110315234244/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=1748 | Today on the show Stephanie McMillan. Stephanie is an award winning Cartoonist, Author and Organizer. She best known for her political cartoons Minimum Security and CodeGreen. She is co-author and illustrator of As the World Burns – 50 Way to Stay in Denial and illustrator of Mischief in The Forest. She is also in the movie END:CIV. | |
2011-01-24 | Derrick Jensen: The Power of Narratives | RAGE-20110124-derrick-jensen-the-power-of-narratives.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20120502224740/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=1709 | This is the second time Derrick has been on the show. This time we talk about the stories the culture tells us over and over, and what stories help and hurt resistance. | |
2011-01-10 | Fertile Ground: A Community of Resistance (part 2) | RAGE-20110110-fertile-ground-a-community-of-resistance-part-2.mp3 | Cameron, Dillon and Max share their thoughts about community and its importance, what it means to them, and some ways it might look. | ||
2011-01-04 | Dustin Johnson: Resisting Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipeline | RAGE-20110104-resisting-enbridge-northern-gateway-pipeline-dustin-johnson.mp3 | Dustin Johnson is Energy Campaigner / Community Organizer for The Sierra Club of Canada Prairie Chapter, a born and raised Tsimshian from the Killerwhale Clan from the northwest coast of BC. Closer to home Dustin has worked on decolonization initiatives and anti-oppressive social justice organizing in Vancouver as well as Prince Rupert and Terrace, B.C. He was born in the Tsimshian heartland of Prince Rupert and raised in Lax Kw’Alaams and Kitsumkalum. The strength and beauty of unceded, non-surrendered Tsimshian territory, combined with the cultural knowledge of the hereditary system, genealogies and the Tsimshian language, provided a strong foundation. | ||
2010-12-23 | Fertile Ground: A Community of Resistance (part 1) | RAGE-20101223-fertile-ground-a-community-of-resistance-part-1.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20110315232846/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=1322 | This is a special Fertile Ground show. Some of the Fertile Ground people interviewed each other about age separation, tar sands, civilization, university student awareness of the issues, and scientists' inability to act on climate change.
Cameron, Dillon and Max share some great insights about what is going on in their world and some of the things they are doing about it. |
2010-12-12 | Henry Basil of the Lutselk’e Community | RAGE-20101212-henry-basil-of-the-lutselk-e-community.mp3 | Henry Basil is a person of the land where he lives. There are very few people like him anymore.
Many times I hear that scientists have no baseline or starting point to base their information or studies on when talking about the Athabasca River or land and the animals around the Tar Sands, as well as further downstream. That is not true. The baseline understanding of the land and how it has changed is in the people like Henry Basil and other elders who know how live on the land and with the land. Henry brought a message from his people. It is time and very important that environmental organizations start supporting the knowledge that the elders have to share about the land and animals as truth, as fact. No one knows the land like those who have lived on the land for thousands of years. No scientist can hope to ever have that kind of understanding. I also very much liked what Henry had to say about taking and giving back. It is time we start giving back to the land, to have love and compassion for the land. Then maybe it will start to heal again. |
2012-12-01 | Toghestiy, Hereditary Chief of the Fireweed Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation | RAGE-20101201-toghestiy-hereditary-chief-fireweed-clan-wetsuweten-nation.mp3 | Toghestiy, hereditary chief of the Fireweed Clan of the Wet’suwet’en nation, spoke this year and last year at the Everyone is DownStream conference. I had the opportunity to interview him at Remedy Café, where he spoke about his people’s experience with first contact, industry, the Enbridge pipeline, allies and ENGO’s ( Environmental Non Governmental Organizations). He also spoke about why protecting the land and their territory is not an academic discussion but real life and death struggle. | ||
2010-10-03 | Tar Sands Activist Mike Hudema – You’re a Fucking Terrorist?? | RAGE-20101003-tar-sands-activist-mike-hudema-youre-a-fucking-terrorist.mp3 | The Alberta provincial government has suggested it will “unleash its counterterrorism plan if activists continue using civil disobedience to protest the tar sands.” I thought it fitting to intertwine my interview with Mike Hudema, an outspoken opponent of the tar sands, with Resident Anti Hero’s "You're a Fucking Terrorist." If you are open minded and willing to speak truth, then you are likely to be labeled a Terrorist, especially in Alberta. | ||
2010-09-29 | Waziyatawin on Holocaust, Collapse and Despair | RAGE-20100929-waziyatawin-on-holocaust-collapse-and-despair.mp3 | It is a Holocaust when 98.5 % of your people are killed, dying of starvation, being forcibly removed from your homeland or slaughtered.
In my interview with Waziyatawin we dealt mostly with the human holocaust but there was and is a complete human and non-human holocaust that occurred and is ongoing in North America. Prior to the industrial revolution, fire was the preferred method of clearing the land throughout North America. In the last 500 years there has been such a wanton slaughter of life in this so called “land of the free” to make the word holocaust almost common, losing it's sense of horror. Holocaust is seen as progress. |
2010-08-26 | Waziyatawin: Colonialism is Alive and Well, part 2B | RAGE-20100826-colonialism-alive-and-well-part-2b-waziyatawin.mp3 | Waziyatawin is a Dakota activist, author and feminist, and works as the Indigenous Peoples Research Chair and Associate Professor in the Indigenous Governance Program at the University of Victoria. | ||
2010-08-22 | Robert Jensen: Community, Collapse and Despair | RAGE-20100822-robert-jensen-community-collapse-and-despair.mp3 | Robert Jensen is an author, activist and feminist. | ||
2010-08-16 | Waziyatawin: Colonialism is Alive and Well, part 2A | RAGE-20100816-colonialism-alive-and-well-part-2a-waziyatawin.mp3 | Waziyatawin is a Dakota activist, author and feminist, and works as the Indigenous Peoples Research Chair and Associate Professor in the Indigenous Governance Program at the University of Victoria. She says in this interview "Every time you engage in some act of resistance, you get stronger. And your desire for justice becomes stronger, and you become more empowered in that process." | ||
2010-08-12 | River, I am Listening Now | RAGE-20100812-river-i-am-listening-now.mp3 | http://deepgreenresistance.blogspot.com/2016/03/river-i-am-listening-now.html | I hold my first ever interview with a non-human: the river kisiskāciwani-sīpiy, near my home. | |
2010-08-03 | Colonialism is Alive and Well part 1 | RAGE-20100803-colonialism-is-alive-and-well-part-1.mp3 | This week we start our series on Colonialism, continued in modern times by corporatism. Colonialism has been around for a long time, and as any person of the so called “third world” will tell you, it is more and more blatant every day. Even Europe is being recolonized by GM Foods, designer crops and unfair financial practices.
On today’s show we have Melina Luboucan-Massimo, a Lubicon Cree woman, Indigenous rights activist and Tar Sands activist. She points out that Indigenous people have borne the real weight of environmental protection in North and South America. It is time that people who benefit from stolen indigenous land stand up and put themselves between the bulldozers, guns, corporate theft of traditional territories and Indigenous people. It is important to remember this quote as well:
2010-07-24 | …1,2,3, what are we fighting for? | RAGE-20100724-1-2-3-what-are-we-fighting-for.mp3 | Last Valentine's Day, I went to places I love and did some recording. I thought I would do it again, now that it's summer. So today’s show features those voices I am talking about. As I sat there in the sedge grass with the skullcap, mint, hemp nettle, stinging nettle, hyssop, saskatoons, poplar, cotton woods, red spruce, white spruce, willows, mosquitoes, bees, flies, deer flies, horse flies, chickadees, flycatchers, red winged blackbirds, crows, ducks, and yellow warblers, I was thinking: "who is going to defend these voices, these lives, against industrial civilization?" | ||
2010-07-11 | Sold Out? No, Worse. | RAGE-20100711-sold-out-no-worse.mp3 | An examination of the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement (CBFA), more correctly known as the Canadian Betrayed Forest Action. Mainstream environmental groups have just sold out the environment and indigenous cultures, to the benefit of the logging companies. | ||
2010-07-05 | RAGE-ing back, The Oh No Canada version | RAGE-20100705-rage-ing-back-the-oh-no-canada-version.mp3 | Let’s have a look at what been going on while I have been gone the past three months: the BP disaster in the Gulf, The World People’s Conference on Climate Change, G8/G20, and ongoing destruction and increasing carbon emissions. Ends with "No Canada" by the filthy politicians. | ||
2010-03-15 | Waziyatawin: Indigenous People and the Revolution | RAGE-20100315-waziyatawin-indigenous-people-and-the-revolution.mp3 | Waziyatawin is a Dakota activist, author and feminist, and works as the Indigenous Peoples Research Chair and Associate Professor in the Indigenous Governance Program at the University of Victoria. | ||
2010-03-08 | H2OIL’s Director Shannon Walsh | RAGE-20100308-h2oil-director-shannon-walsh.mp3 | Today’s guest is Shannon Walsh, writer and director of the documentary H2Oil. We discuss the film, and some of the groups doing good work around the tar sands. | ||
2010-02-26 | Trees, Lives and Property | RAGE-20100226-trees-lives-and-property.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20130121013859/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=530 | A special Hello!! to all living being out there whose lives are so much more valuable then property. | |
2010-02-17 | R.A.G.E. the Valentine’s Edition | RAGE-20100217-rage-the-valentines-edition.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20130121013658/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=482 | This Valentines I spent time with the ones I love very much, which I am sure you did as well. I went to visit places that are very special to me.
What follows is a re-enactment of what happened when I went out to visit some of my favourite places and to just be. I took some recording equipment. The first day it was really too windy to record anything; the second day, well you guessed it, Skidoos. I never did see them, but the noise was enough to scare most everything away. There was train noise and jet plane noise and all the unwanted noise of civilization. The trees speaking is the only true recording I did. This post is about loving your land base and respecting all life. It is about disconnection and destruction. It answers the question– to whom am I loyal?! |
2010-02-12 | Water Water where? | RAGE-20100212-water-water-where.mp3 | https://web.archive.org/web/20120305155548/http://www.rageedm.com/wordpress/?p=424 | A special hello to all beings out there who depend on water for life. There nothing like a full clean drink of water, is there. We should be raging like a beautiful river through a sun touched forest, alive and vigorous. Instead our rivers are strapped, walled, fed poison and sucked dry. Look fast, there is the Wetiko coming with a market on his back.
Today we are talking with Sheila Muxlow Water Campaigner for the Prairie Chapter of the Sierra Club. We look at the issue and what the Alberta Government is planning for water. I put this up a little a while ago and it bares repeating Is the Alberta government water law going to leave you high and dry? What I really like about this campaign is so far is that is not turning citizens into consumers and telling them to consume less it is taking on those who are taking the most water, industry. |
2010-02-06 | Oil Sands Truth.org | RAGE-20100206-oil-sands-truth-org.mp3 | Today we are talking about the worst industrial project in the world, the Tar Sands, which is destroying boreal forests, rivers and river basins and territorial land of Indigenous people of the region. We interview Macdonald Stainsby about the Tar Sands, the organizations fighting it, and its connection to the event in Vancouver on Stolen Indigenous Land. Macdonald is the coordinator of Oil Sands Truth.org . | ||
2010-02-03 | Some Folks from Fertile Ground | RAGE-20100203-some-folks-from-fertile-ground.mp3 | Today I interview Cameron and Jeanette of Fertile Ground. | ||
2010-01-29 | Deep Green Resistance week: Derrick Jensen | RAGE-20100129-deep-green-resistance-week-derrick-jensen.mp3 | My interview with Derrick finishes off the first full week of the show. | ||
2010-01-28 | Deep Green Resistance week: Lierre Keith, part 2 | RAGE-20100128-deep-green-resistance-week-lierre-keith-2.mp3 | Second part of my interview with Lierre in the first full week of the show. | ||
2010-01-27 | Deep Green Resistance week: Lierre Keith, part 1 | RAGE-20100127-deep-green-resistance-week-lierre-keith-1.mp3 | First part of my interview with Lierre in the first full week of the show. | ||
2010-01-26 | Deep Green Resistance week: Aric McBay | Unfortunately, we can't find this episode to archive it. Please email us if you have a copy. | |||
2010-01-25 | Deep Green Resistance week: Aric McBay | Unfortunately, we can't find this episode to archive it. Please email us if you have a copy. | |||
2010-01-21 | Premiere episode: Stephanie McMillan | Unfortunately, we can't find this episode to archive it. Please email us if you have a copy. |